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Horror game of finding your way through a dark haunted house

Horror game of finding your way through a dark haunted house

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Program license: Paid

Developer: Activision

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac Android


Program license

(5 votes)




Works under:

Also available for


Mac Android


  • Atmospheric black and white visual design
  • Immersive noir-infused horror setting
  • Intense light and darkness mechanics
  • Rich narrative woven through environmental details
  • Strategic and challenging gameplay


  • Frustrating save system with infrequent checkpoints
  • Fixed camera angles and darkness may lead to tedious backtracking
  • Game tempo may be too slow for some players
  • Limited visibility can cause unnecessary frustration

Enter a Noir-Infused Survival Horror

White Night plunges players into a monochrome world of shadows and suspense, paying homage to a classic era of survival horror games. This title uniquely combines vintage gameplay mechanics with a striking art style, creating an atmosphere that is both artistically captivating and chillingly immersive.

Stark Visuals Set a Haunting Tone

The first thing that hits you in White Night is its bold black and white aesthetic. This choice does more than merely give the game a 1930s horror-noir feel; it enhances the gameplay by playing with light and darkness. As the player navigates a mysterious mansion, the contrasting visuals fuel an ambiance of foreboding and tension. Much like the protagonist navigating by matchlight, the player is often only given a sliver of visibility, turning the act of exploration into a nerve-wracking experience.

Slow-Burning Suspense

In true survival horror fashion, White Night doesn't rush its storytelling or gameplay. Early on, following the aftermath of an eerie car accident, the player's character, adorned in proper noir attire of a trench coat and fedora, must explore the surrounding dark environment at a methodical pace. This design decision sets the tone for the game's tempo, which consistently emphasizes cautious strategy over swift action.

Puzzle Solving Through Darkness

The core gameplay loop involves a meticulous examination of the game world for clues and items to help progress the story. It's not merely about finding the right key for the right door; the game also requires players to manipulate their environment, such as moving a statue to let moonlight unveil hidden secrets. Admittedly, this can lead to moments where frustration sets in due to the combination of limited visibility, cryptic puzzles, and the fixed camera angles reminiscent of early survival horror games.

A Dance with Shadows and Spirits

The dark corridors of White Night are not merely empty; they are inhabited by spectral enemies with a story tied to the mansion itself. The gameplay shift from exploration to survival becomes palpable as you encounter these malevolent spirits. The lack of combat options means evasion, and strategic use of light sources is your only defense, adding a layer of tactical urgency to the already claustrophobic setting.

A Save System That Could Haunt You

Unfortunately, White Night's challenges can be intensified by its save system, which requires players to find armchairs to rest and save their progress manually, a feature that feels antiquated and can punish players unfairly by setting them back significantly upon death due to sparse checkpoints.

A Rich Tapestry of Horror Storytelling

Beyond the gameplay mechanics, White Night's story unravels through intricate details found within the environment — from the haunting strains of jazz music to discovered collectibles that chronicle the mansion's dreadful history. This attention to narrative depth offers a rewarding experience for those willing to endure the gameplay's rigid demands.


In essence, White Night is a game of contrasts. Its visually captivating design pairs well with the dense, threatening atmosphere and compelling narrative, yet its gameplay can sometimes be as unforgiving as the darkness it portrays. For fans of classic survival horror, it is a gem that rekindles the flame of the genre with a unique visual and thematic approach. Despite its less forgiving aspects, White Night stands out as an artistically bold and narratively rich title that offers a memorable experience for those who dare to step into its shadows.


  • Atmospheric black and white visual design
  • Immersive noir-infused horror setting
  • Intense light and darkness mechanics
  • Rich narrative woven through environmental details
  • Strategic and challenging gameplay


  • Frustrating save system with infrequent checkpoints
  • Fixed camera angles and darkness may lead to tedious backtracking
  • Game tempo may be too slow for some players
  • Limited visibility can cause unnecessary frustration